Corporate Projects

The Arts and Cultural Management WHITECONCEPTS develops individual art concepts and project for an inspirational and effective image of institutions and companies. With content matched profiles WHITECONCEPTS documents cultural engagement, presents innovative forms of communication and lets networks be created and grown in an fruitful and inspiring way.

WHITECONCEPTS sights through the current art market and collaborates with international artists. With customized media and PR strategies we professionally develop and support your event as well as organizing thematic exhibitions to Percent for Art- projects. In addition, we promote and curate art collections and operate an intensive arts marketing.

Our Services – Your Advantages

With aesthetically pleasing workplaces you motivate and stimulate the senses of your customers, employees and partners, as well as create interesting conversation themes. Find your cultural profile and set priorities for your cultural engagement.

Take advantage of an innovative communication tool and strengthen your network in a creative style.

  • Starting from a harmonious spatial experience, we will design for you an individual concept that addresses specific requirements based on the architectural situation. Art should find its place, so that it can reflect the culture and philosophy of your company, and that your employees can identify with it. Percent for Art
  • Enrich your event program with the type of event, which connects art and business in a pleasant way. We offer art events such as solo presentations, group exhibitions in your building, art tours, art competitions as well as art dinners with renowned artists. Art Events 
  • Specially customized to your business strategy we support you at any time in the creation and care of art collections as well as by development and production of merchandising articles. Art Collections