Percent for Art Program

Percent for Art is an effective artistic activity which can have a positive impact in many areas: Site-specific installation projects in indoor and outdoor spaces primarily focus on the aesthetic appreciation of the work environment and show on the other hand another thing: your business image.

Starting with a special interest in the current discussions and spatial preception, which changes with the consciousness of the people, WHITECONCEPTS designs individual and complete art concepts. Art finds its place where the culture and philosophy of an institution or a company are reflected and where employees and customers can identify with it. With instinctive feeling, artistic sensitivity and a high level of creativity we treat individual needs of your company and convey artistic positions that are likely to represent the spirit and philosophy of your company.

In order to achieve the best result for your company or your institution, we work with well-known artists who have already made their mark internationally in the field of art or are promising newcomers. The decision with what kind of budget you want to work with is completely yours: would you like to give young artists a chance to explore your space or do you want to invite a renowned artist to activate as much resonance internally and externaly?

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