
Return of the Cumulus 08.07, 2016

A LED light object by Thorsten Gold­berg for the Lichtpromenade in Lippstadt/Germany

Thorsten Goldberg’s Cumulus 08.07, that was completely destroyed in case of a fire in 2012, returned by an agreement between curator Dirk Raulf and Christof Sommer (Mayor of the City of Lippstadt) and the savings bank of Lippstadt which is the main sponsor of the Lichtpromenade. The original ‘neon cloud’ has been completely redeveloped and transformed into a new material.

The original Cumulus 08.07 with the measures of 300 x 160 x 160 cm was conceived in 2008 and first realized in 2009. The re-establishment was realized in 2016 with great support by local companies.

More information about the artist
More projects by Thorsten Goldberg